Shule Library
Shule Library
The KHC Library has existed since the 1960s. in June 2008 the KHC Library joined the Makor Jewish Library Network. The KHC Library includes a collection of mainly Jewish religious books and objects but also books about Jewish history, culture, music and literature, education, adult fiction and non fiction as well as children's books on Jewish themes, both fiction and non-fiction. The library and its archives includes the historical records of the Congregation, and educational materials for the teaching of Hebrew, Jewish history, Jewish culture and religion and music as well as objects and art works of religious significance.
These staff work part time in the library. Leonie Fleiszig, Director of the Makor Library, is consulted with regard to professional library issues. There is a volunteer Library Committee which reports to the President of KHC, Dr. Psyc. Deborah Golvan and Executive of the Board of Management of the Congregation.
The Library Committee includes:Chairperson:
Ms Lynda Walters
Ms Cynthia Benporath
Ms Carol Bloustein
Ms Judy Krape
Ms Alice Zydower
The KHC Library and Education Fund finances our Library and its educational program to:
1) purchase new books and other materials;2) maintain a catalogue of our books which is linked to the Makor Jewish Library network;
3) lend books to our members and the general public;
4) maintain the library rooms and additional reading/lecture rooms;
5) provide lectures and educational programs associated with our collection to adults and children; and
6) print publications educating out members and the general public about our books and our educational program.
Donations to the KHC Library and Education Fund are tax deductible.
KHC Library Rules
Members of the public may borrow from the library upon production of appropriate identification Two (2) books may be borrowed at any one time Books may be borrowed for a period of four (4) weeks No reference books may be removed from the library
The Library is open for borrowing at these times:Mondays 10.00am to 2.00pm
Tuesdays 10.00am to 2.00pm
Wednesdays 7.30pm to 9.30pm
Thursdays 10.00am to 2.00pm
Lost or damaged books must be paid for at replacement value.
The Library is at present closed for a major clean, stock take and catalogue, however, if individuals are keen to view and study from books on the premises this can be arranged by contacting the office.
For further information, please contact the Library.